updates and conditions for North Branch Trail

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Update from Michael B:
The North Branch Trail is flooded just south of Harts Rd. The water is at least 2 feet deep. Well over the hub of a 700C wheel (yup, I tried) & looks like it will last a couple more days. There is a work around through the Bunker Hill parking lot.


National Weather Service Advanced Hydrologic Prediction Service


A good place to find the water level in various rivers.  Remember, tho, that the river doesn't need to reach flood stage to flood the paths where they're at a lower level.

Any word on when the construction will be complete on the North Branch Trail extension south to LaBaugh Woods Forest preserve, and Foster Avenue?  The trail seems to be in place, with a bed of crushed gravel. But when I looked at it last weekend I didn't see any construction equipment. Presumably they plan to pave it soon, but I can't find anything online to suggest when it will be open for the public to use.

The word is that Phase II will be open in August 2017. I agree though, no one is working on it now it seems.

A meeting on May 25th at Gompers Park


Come if you can, maybe your questions will be answered - and it always helps to show an interest.

Final extension nearly complete!  Pics:


The North Branch trail is paved from Foster and Kostner up to Botanic Gardens as of approximately one week ago.

access to the weber trail from the FPD trail has been blocked.

FPD has installed barriers preventing access to the weber trail from the north branch trail.  it looks like the rail road must have told them that the only way they would allow the fpd trail to cross the weber south of the river was for FPD to block access to the railroad property. As an additional consequence you can no longer walk down the railroad right of way from Bryn Mawr, across the river on the old railroad bridge and go to the Irene C. Hernandez Family Picnic Grove. 

Weber Spur is walled off from the Forest Preserve Trail.

Where is this? 

This was last Friday on the new extension in LaBagh Woods, south of Bryn Mawr, east of I-94.


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