Can anyone point me in the right direction? I used to compete in mountain bike races years ago and since moving to Chicago I have been cycling a lot and would like to get back into this. I'm not at a professional stage but think I could do pretty well.

Does anyone know of any groups or websites to go to that I could sign up for one either near Chicago or a within driving distance?

I would appreciate any help on this one as I can't seem to find anything on the web. Thanks

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Wisconsin and Michigan are where the majority of the races are, although downstate Peoria has some great trails too. Cook County Forest Preserves do not allow bike racing :(

Check out for the Wisconsin Off Road Series. This series is super fun and very well organised.

Local calendar:

The Iceman race:
Active Trans recently launched a local racing resource which includes MB info:

Ethan, with Active Trans
palos has the meltdown race at the end of august. check out the website.


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