I've been seeing a lot of runners in the bike lanes this summer, especially around augusta and damen (anecdotal however because I pass this intersection on my way home) during the evening rush hour. This obviously creates a dangerous passing situation for cyclists and not to mention is just extremely inconsiderate.
This evening I yelled at a runner (who also had headphones in to make things worse) to let him know that it was dangerous, he caught up to me at a light and completely shrugged me off and said he does it all the time. I tried to emphasize that it was the BIKE lane with the picture and everything to prove it but I didn't seem to change his mind.
I'm curious to see how other cyclists deal with this-- tips, suggestions, should I just accept that these jerks will always exist and begrudgingly pass them?
They're usually coming at me and are determined to make their way. Who would want to listen to me, a 76 year old dinosaur?
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