Dr. Tom MacNeill- Zimmerman, Chiropractor, Coach and Racer, Today's Chiropractic and Wellness Center


Say hi to Dr. Tom here.

Today's Chiropractic Yoga and Wellness Center is located at 5254 N. Damen in Chicago


1) How/when did you get into cycling as a professional?

As a practicing chiropractor I have had a great opportunity to address my patient's physical fitness and long term exercise goals. My experience of treating patients in pain, and transitioning them into long term exercise goals, I routinely recommended cycling as a primary choice over running. My opinion and understanding of cycling has changed so much & since I entered practice 14 years ago. Unlike running, cycling is generally non-compressive (axial loading) to the knees, hips and lower back. This makes it a better option for people to commit to their long term exercise plan. Cycling allows for all levels of experience, fitness and body types (or shapes) and is a very effective solution to long term weight management, muscular strength and cardiovascular fitness. Whether it is cycling to work every day, group rides, racing or just getting out of the city on your bike; cycling gives back to the cyclist in a way that uplifts your body-mind and spirit. I have a professional responsibility to give patients safe and effective solutions for their health and fitness, and cycling is one of the best options.

2) How does your organization directly benefit cyclists?

We directly benefit cyclists by giving them safe and effective treatment options for their bike related conditions. Over the past 3 years,Today's Chiropractic and Yoga Wellness Center has been sponsoring racing teams. I have been leading rides and organizing other ride leaders to lead training rides for the Chicago Cycling Club, and over the past two years have got two patients leading rides as well! This year I joined a group of local cyclists and started a new Chicago based competitive racing team, Play It Again Sports Cycling.


I am a USA cycling level 3 coach and this gives me an opportunity to help assist the serious minded cyclists in organizing training plans focused on improving the skills necessary to race, ride in training rides or improve their triathlon times.

3) Do you specialize in a certain type of cycling?

Professionally, I treat cyclists of all ages, abilities and reasons for choosing chiropractic and massage therapy at my office. In office, I specialize in the lateral hip conditions like Ilio-tibial band Syndrome, Hip bursitis and Tensor-fascia Latae issues. Personally, I am a roadie. I love getting out of the city on my bike and training with like minded cyclists. My favorite training rides, are the CCC Wednesday night and Sunday Judson Rides.

4) What are your "must-have" items for cycling (this could be a tool, an accessory, a food, etc.)

My must haves are my ID-cash-phone and tire repair stuff. I need to feel completely capable of taking care of myself on at any situation that may arise on any given ride. Double and triple flat issues should be considered, and I like to be prepared.

5) What is your favorite bike?

Past history, my "brown" Bianchi, because I purchased it myself when I was 15 years old, and I used it for commuting daily for years during my summers in Maine. Currently, my Specialized Tarmac.


6) What is the biggest challenge you face or the biggest challenge faced by the cycling community?

I think a big challenge is the acceptance of cycling as a "primary" mode of transportation within the community. The challenge seems to start from a disconnect between some motorists taking cyclists seriously, including a cyclists "right of way" and side space; and cyclists taking basic traffic safety rules seriously which alarm motorists and pedestrians. I think dedicated roads for cyclists are neccessary to develop a sense of permament place on our roads all year round. Cycling signs and lanes are a good starting point, but without physical barriers, cyclists are always at some risk. The transition to dedicated cycling roads, in this city, will possibly occur when cyclists outnumber motorists. So keep riding every day!

7) What do you see as the biggest area of opportunity in your niche market?

One particular big opportunity for chiropractors is to sponsor races, teams and local clubs, and to offer safe and effective non-pharmaceutical options to common conditions cyclists may experience with cycling and on the road. Specifically, as a chiropractor, I teach cyclists about proper spinal hygiene and it's direct relationship to proper more comfortable mechanics and ultimately, more efficiency into the pedals.

8) How do you think the cycling community has changed in the last year or

The cycling community has exploded in size and and quality, in 2010 USA Cycling recognized two local cyling teams as America's " best cycling teams!" The choices of places to ride and the amount of social, touring and training rides has grown as well. Chicago is generally a very safe and easy city to get around on your bike, and more people are choosing cycling as their preferred mode of commuting to and from work.



9)  If you could go on a bike ride with anyone (living or dead), who would it

My wife Mara. I love my time exercising with her alone (we have two kids who like to cycle), and mostly because she looks so nice on a bike!

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