The four finalists have been selected for Bike Chicago's Bike It Everywhere, Chicago! PSA video contest.... time to watch the videos and then vote for the winner.

Congratulations to Mike Schiminke, Erin BabbinJimmy and MarcusN

Voting ends Thursday, June 14.

Watch their videos here!

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Thanks Julie.


I could sure use a new bike lol.

The competition is tough though. All the submissions are very well made.


I'd love to watch the vids and vote, but it seems that whatever format the videos are in, they are not compatible with my phone. :-(

I loved all the videos and had a hard time deciding which one to vote for. My first choice was the stop-motion, except the cyclist was always on the sidewalk and not in the street (loved the video, but it was a detail that made me vote for my second choice as biking on sidewalks isn't such a great idea in Chicago). All the submissions were great and it looks like a lot of thought and hard work went into them all. Good luck !

Vote cast.

Oooh! this was one detail we couldn't work around to get all the photography to fully illustrate the rich backgrounds. To catch Sharon riding, I would have had to photograph in the street. Still, Sharon NEVER did pedal on the sidewalk. She merely mounted her bike, would balance for an instant, and I snapped the shot. No bike riding was ever done on the sidewalk. In any case, Good Luck to EVERYONE!!! Great job.

Melanie K said:

I loved all the videos and had a hard time deciding which one to vote for. My first choice was the stop-motion, except the cyclist was always on the sidewalk and not in the street (loved the video, but it was a detail that made me vote for my second choice as biking on sidewalks isn't such a great idea in Chicago). All the submissions were great and it looks like a lot of thought and hard work went into them all. Good luck !

You will just have to come to millenium park Tuesday night to watch them on big screen before pee -wees big adventure is played!

ambimb said:
I'd love to watch the vids and vote, but it seems that whatever format the videos are in, they are not compatible with my phone. :-(

Wow, these were all excellent.  It's great to see so much talent applied to this project.

With regard to getting the message right, however, there was a clear winner in my opinion.  It is important to overcome the common notion that bikes are (1) for recreation only and/or (2) a child's toy.  One of the video's simply shows bikers riding along the lake front.  One stars a (very cute) child.  Another shows a bicycle on the sidewalk the entire time (against the law).  The video showing Rebecca Resman (full discloser: she's a friend) in various outfits, going to different places, sometimes with a helmet and sometimes without, in my view best communicates the message that bikes are transportation tools that can and should fit into everyone's daily lives.

My two cents.

There is even a facebook event for one of the finalists!

I think that event may be private. I couldn't see it. 

Julie Hochstadter said:

There is even a facebook event for one of the finalists!

You convinced me. 

Brendan Kevenides said:

Wow, these were all excellent.  It's great to see so much talent applied to this project.

With regard to getting the message right, however, there was a clear winner in my opinion.  It is important to overcome the common notion that bikes are (1) for recreation only and/or (2) a child's toy.  One of the video's simply shows bikers riding along the lake front.  One stars a (very cute) child.  Another shows a bicycle on the sidewalk the entire time (against the law).  The video showing Rebecca Resman (full discloser: she's a friend) in various outfits, going to different places, sometimes with a helmet and sometimes without, in my view best communicates the message that bikes are transportation tools that can and should fit into everyone's daily lives.

My two cents.

Voting ends at midnight tonight 12:00 AM Thursday. Less than 2 hours left!

The winning video will be announced tomorrow, Friday at the Bike Chicago rally at Daley Plaza!


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