Well, depends on your definition of a bicycle. For me, if he were really a champion of the poor, he'd get a used bike from Working Bikes, instead. But this is really just a publicity stunt for MB/Smart.


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I wonder how the bullet-proof dome will attach to that bike?

+1 I was thinking the same thing!

JimmyD 3.75 mi said:

I wonder how the bullet-proof dome will attach to that bike?

It is kind of a tradition, This is Ernesto Colnago presenting the pope with a gold plated bike. It now is on display at the Colnago museum, estimated value is $250,000

I'd say $250,000 is a little optimistic. But I'd take the Colnago over the Smart. I doubt HH used it much.

I am pretty sure it is not for sale, but people pay crazy amounts for items related to the pope, I would not be surprised if it did not auction for a lot more... The story has it that he made him a second bike, more of a towny to ride around the vatican grounds.

So... if the pope's car is referred to as the "Pope Mobile", will the pope's bike be called a "Pope Cycle"?

Or better yet, since that Smart bike is an E-bike, will it be called "The Electric Pope Cycle"?

If not, I'm claiming "The Electric Pope Cycle" for my next band name.

No pictures of him riding the e-bike?  He's old so e-bike is totally legit.  Although a tricycle would be appropriate, too.  

He is only 76 years old!  If you are lucky, you might get that old some day. :-)

yai danche said:

No pictures of him riding the e-bike?  He's old so e-bike is totally legit.  Although a tricycle would be appropriate, too.  

Seventy-six is very old!!  My grandparents died in their early 80s.  That said, my cousin's grandfather is 78 and is still tooling around on a bicycle (regular old mountain bike).  Tai Chi every morning for the past 30 years really helps!  I'm hoping my biking will do the same for me.  

I do think biking keeps you young.  

yai danche said:

Seventy-six is very old!!  My grandparents died in their early 80s.  That said, my cousin's grandfather is 78 and is still tooling around on a bicycle (regular old mountain bike).  Tai Chi every morning for the past 30 years really helps!  I'm hoping my biking will do the same for me.  

Someone featured his Colnago "Pope" model here. Seems ironic that a bicycle meant for the Pope was so pimp. It is a beautiful ride, no doubt about it.


As far as weight, a gold plated bike would make a steel frame seem like carbon fiber.

I was at Sammy's bikes in St. Charles a couple of weeks ago and they had a lot of Colnagos. Some of the colors and paint schemes were really beautiful and inspired. If you are ever out in the Fox River Valley check out Sammy's. Great shop and Sammy himself is an awesome guy from Italy.


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