Since the Chainlink was great helping me build up my bike into a better commuter, I though I would share my experience here in case others are looking for something similar or have questions. Briefly, my old commuter was an awesome Xtracycle, so awesome it was stolen one day in front of my office. My only other bike is a 2001 LeMond road bike which I have used for general recreational rides and triathlons. I'd love to buy another cargo bike, and buy a Surly Cross Check for commuting, and buy a dedicated tri bike, but, ya know, money and city living and stuff. So, I "built up" the LeMond to be a commuter and still be able to go on training rides and serve limited triathlon duty (within 15 minutes I can have everything off and aero bars on). Basically an all-around bike so long as we're talking pavement. Crappy cellphone pics at the very bottom.
thanks for all the details.
I swear by cleat covers (I use Look pedals and cleats; and even though I lose 2-3 on average per year; that is still better than the alternative (replacing cleats more often and sliding around everywhere).
Where did you find the panniers online ? I am going to be shopping for some soon.
Thanks for the comments, everyone. I found the panniers from Tree Fort Bikes. Amazon had the Axiom LaSalle DLX panniers for over $90, and Tree Fort Bikes had them for $60. Plus, if you're in Chicago, Tree Fort Bikes is located in Michigan and shipping only takes a day.
I should also add that the Axiom panniers fit an Eagle Creek Pack-it 15 perfectly. I swear by the Eagle Creek Pack-it folders for keeping my work clothes look like I didn't just bike in to work.
Cleat covers are great! I'm even more happy with the platform adapter that fits over the speedplay pedals.
dan brown 4.4 miles said:
thanks for all the details.
I swear by cleat covers (I use Look pedals and cleats; and even though I lose 2-3 on average per year; that is still better than the alternative (replacing cleats more often and sliding around everywhere).
Where did you find the panniers online ? I am going to be shopping for some soon.
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