First person to correctly name the location of this bike rack will receive a Chainlink t-shirt (and anything else anyone would like to donate).


Hint: This rack is NOT in the city of Chicago limits.


Past rack locations: 

Bike Rack #1

Bike Rack #2

Bike Rack #3

Bike Rack #4

Bike Rack #5

Bike Rack #6

Bike Rack #7


Views: 351

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It looks a little like downtown Northbrook.

Michael B, you win.  Ding, ding, ding!!!!!!!!!!  Can you tell us how you knew?

And Balloon Biker - you were close. 

Michael B said:

I'm thinking Highland Park

BalloonBiker said:

It looks a little like downtown Northbrook.

Corner of St. Johns & Central in Highland Park.

yes.  Mindfrieze, you also win a shirt.  We will all have to coordinate.  May have to include a beer or food possibly.

mindfrieze said:

Corner of St. Johns & Central in Highland Park.

Thanks Julie, but don't worry about it.  I'll concede victory to Michael B.


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