Name That Bike Rack: Part 6 - Win a Pass to the Chicago Bicycle Film Festival!

First person to correctly name the location of this bike rack will receive a festival pass to the Chicago Bicycle Film Festival taking place THIS weekend at Logan Square Auditorium (courtesy of Terry of BFF).  


That means you get in free all weekend!


Past rack locations: 

Bike Rack #1

Bike Rack #2

Bike Rack #3

Bike Rack #4

Bike Rack #5


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Dominick's at 5201 N. Sheridan Road  Chicago, IL 60640
Steven, congratulations!!!!!  Just give your name and your pass will be waiting for you.
I could tell from that sign that it was a Dominick's, but had no idea which one.
I just happened to be here like 5 weeks ago. And I remember bike racks pretty well ;)
How sad that the rack only holds a lone wheel and a lock or two.  Congrats Steven!!

Here's another view:

Good bike parking at Dominick's


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