Hi all -

was watching Chris Hanson catch bad guys last night on tv & they had a segment on bike thieves.  And this came up:


It's a GPS tracker that's hidden in a bike light. 

Anyone have any experience with this?  Think it's worth the $180.


Thoughts, ideas?


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Yes it would, but there are design compromises which have not yet been solved. As with many electronic devices, manufacturers are struggling with a battery which is sufficiently small, but which provides an adequate useful life (>30 days or so). Concealing a GPS beacon within steel, aluminum, titanium or even carbon causes shielding of the beacon which diminishes its range. There are people out there working on these problems, but they're not "there" yet.


With respect to accessories being removed from stolen bikes, it's surprising how much stuff gets left on bikes. The Bicycle Recovery Collective has come across stolen bikes which still have a bracket for the U-Lock which was cut off the bike, water bottle cages, light brackets, stickers from the bike shop that sold the bike, saddle bags (and contents). We even found a bike with a prescription asthma inhaler with the prescription label still on it. 


More often than not, accessories do not seem to be removed from stolen bikes by thieves.

Serge Lubomudrov said:

Haven't seen this . . . Just one thought, though: wouldn't it be better to put (to hide) such a device on a bike itself, not in something easily detachable as a light?

i'd buy it... given its small profile and being something that wouldn't seem out of place on a bike. the price seems fair as long as the quality is decent.


my initial response was similar to serge's because swapping out accessories would probably be the first things thieves would do. though the goal is not to give them the chance by being activated during the event. if all they take is the tail light they'd be easy to find at any rate.

Also says it comes with a steel cable that loops thru the seat post...I think it's worth trying it. 

kevin's post brings up the battery issue... i would hope that the light and the gps have separate power sources or that the circuitry allows the gps to have priority over the lights as the batteries weaken.


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