I found a bike on lawrence near the post office (between western and rockwell).  Would really like the bike to be returned to owner. Figured I would post here and on craigslist, any other suggestions? 

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Post fliers in the neighborhood, with the caveat that the owner must describe the bike before they collect it. Not everyone is online here or on Craigslist.
May i ask how it was found? im asking because...what if someone just put there as they went into a store, came back out, and now think it's stolen??
Iggi, the tire had a flat and was unlocked, no stores in the area, I waited for 15 mins then took it to my place and came back with a sign with my phone number on it, I suppose it's possible they came back during the time I walked it to my house and came back with a sign (I really hope not, I'd feel terrible, I got online and posted about it immediately)
Without getting too much into detail of the bike (i dont want to know make/model), but was it a newer bike, a nice bike, and dime a dozen schwinn type deal, a shitty WalMart bike?

Mostly just curious, it wont solve anything, just trying to postulate the situation and circumstance as to someone leaving a bike.

Michael Millican said:
Iggi, the tire had a flat and was unlocked, no stores in the area, I waited for 15 mins then took it to my place and came back with a sign with my phone number on it, I suppose it's possible they came back during the time I walked it to my house and came back with a sign (I really hope not, I'd feel terrible, I got online and posted about it immediately)
Howard : with all due respect; I seriously doubt a bike with a flat and not locked would be reported
as stolen on that website.

Think about it - if the owner is conscientious enough to know the serial number; be able to locate it; AND post to that site; do you _really_ think they would leave an unlocked bike somewhere and then
take this action if it was left and then returned to find it missing ?

sounds to me like it may have been abondones; or maybe the owner went looking for a way to fix the
flat and either did not have a lock or thought no one would take a non-rideable bike ?


H3N3 said:
You already checked for it here?

I did check there, nothing reported as of now

H3N3 said:
You already checked for it here?

IGGI: Looks like someone took an older bike and added some nicer things to it, So I guess somewhere in the middle.

iggi said:
Without getting too much into detail of the bike (i dont want to know make/model), but was it a newer bike, a nice bike, and dime a dozen schwinn type deal, a shitty WalMart bike?

Mostly just curious, it wont solve anything, just trying to postulate the situation and circumstance as to someone leaving a bike.

Michael Millican said:
Iggi, the tire had a flat and was unlocked, no stores in the area, I waited for 15 mins then took it to my place and came back with a sign with my phone number on it, I suppose it's possible they came back during the time I walked it to my house and came back with a sign (I really hope not, I'd feel terrible, I got online and posted about it immediately)
If it was abandoned by the person who stole it there is a good chance it could be listed.

Leaving your bike unlocked outside of a business is, in my opinion, pretty much the same as giving it away to a stranger.

dan brown said:
Howard : with all due respect; I seriously doubt a bike with a flat and not locked would be reported
as stolen on that website.

Think about it - if the owner is conscientious enough to know the serial number; be able to locate it; AND post to that site; do you _really_ think they would leave an unlocked bike somewhere and then
take this action if it was left and then returned to find it missing ?

sounds to me like it may have been abondones; or maybe the owner went looking for a way to fix the
flat and either did not have a lock or thought no one would take a non-rideable bike ?


H3N3 said:
You already checked for it here?

Dan: Suppose it could have been abandoned, a friend mentioned if may have been stolen, then got the flat and then the thief ditched it. I'm not sure. I think if I had the flat, I would have walked it home or to the train and not just left it, but maybe there was something preventing them from doing that.

dan brown said:
Howard : with all due respect; I seriously doubt a bike with a flat and not locked would be reported
as stolen on that website.

Think about it - if the owner is conscientious enough to know the serial number; be able to locate it; AND post to that site; do you _really_ think they would leave an unlocked bike somewhere and then
take this action if it was left and then returned to find it missing ?

sounds to me like it may have been abondones; or maybe the owner went looking for a way to fix the
flat and either did not have a lock or thought no one would take a non-rideable bike ?


H3N3 said:
You already checked for it here?

Dan, it could have been stolen and then abandoned due to a flat.
Even if it did not have a flat I would assume the same thing. When one of my bikes was stolen someone left a bike of lesser value in its place, I assume that they rode around on the shit bike looking for nicer bikes, stole the nicer bike and left the shit bike.

dan brown said:
Howard : with all due respect; I seriously doubt a bike with a flat and not locked would be reported
as stolen on that website.

Think about it - if the owner is conscientious enough to know the serial number; be able to locate it; AND post to that site; do you _really_ think they would leave an unlocked bike somewhere and then
take this action if it was left and then returned to find it missing ?

sounds to me like it may have been abondones; or maybe the owner went looking for a way to fix the
flat and either did not have a lock or thought no one would take a non-rideable bike ?


H3N3 said:
You already checked for it here?

You could try Craigslist, but be prepared for a flood of BS. Even with that I doubt anyone stupid enough to leave it that way would ever know/care enough to track it down through any of these channels. My guess is it was ripped off, flatted, and just abandoned by the thief. I think you have your self a new bike. Good Karma to you if you give it to someone who will use it.
Maybe someone got a flat, didn't have a lock, was late and just hopped in a cab. Michael, I would just do exactly what you did with the posters, posting here, ccm list serve, etc and if someone doesn't contact you within a few weeks its yours. If you get contacted in the next couple of months or years and proves its theirs than you can decide if you want to be a Good Samaritan or not. You could also just donate it, let inquiries go to that org (west town, working bikes, albany park, etc).


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