Tour of the Lower West Side


Tour of the Lower West Side

Time: April 25, 2010 from 1pm to 5pm
Location: Harrison Park
Street: 1824 S Wood Street
City/Town: Chicago, IL
Website or Map: http://www.bigshouldersrealty…
Phone: 773-255-6347
Event Type: architectural, social, historical, tour, bikewinter
Organized By: Lee Diamond
Latest Activity: Apr 25, 2010

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Every month, Big Shoulders Realty hosts a free narrated bicycle tour of a different Chicago Community Area. Tours focus on the architecture and history of the buildings and neighborhoods, and this month, the group will venture to the Lower West Side, an area that includes the neighborhoods of Pilsen and Heart of Chicago. In addition to an older and architecturally interesting housing stock, the Lower West Side also includes grand treasures by the biggest luminaries of Chicago architecture. Some of the scheduled stops will include visits to the Daniel Burnham designed Fisk Power Plant, the Pond and Pond designed Gad’s Hill Center, the William Carbys Zimmerman designed Dvorak Park Fieldhouse and the Schmidt and Garden designed Schoenhofen Brewery. Tours are at a casual pace, between 14 and 18 miles, 3 to 4 hours in length and open to all levels of rider. All riders are asked to wear a helmet.

Big Shoulders Realty is a local real estate brokerage and cycling and historical preservation advocates. Lee Diamond is co-owner of Big Shoulders and researches, authors, narrates and leads all of the company’s tours. The rides are presented in partnership and with the assistance of the Active Transportation Alliance, and the Chicago Cycling Club.

Sunday April 25, 2010 at 1:00 PM

Harrison Park at 1824 S Wood Street in Chicago

For more information please visit

The remainder of the 2010 season is as follows:

May 23, 2010 – Humboldt Park - (with West Town Bikes)
June 19, 2010 – East and West Garfield Park
July 25, 2010 – Near West Side
August 22, 2010 – Lincoln Park
September 19, 2010 – Bridgeport and Armor Square
October 24, 2010 – Norwood Park

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Comment by Tank-Ridin' Ryan on April 25, 2010 at 6:48am
Gotta go into work. D'oh!
Comment by Lee Diamond on April 25, 2010 at 3:25am
Comment by Lee Diamond on April 23, 2010 at 4:46am
Post-ride eatery/drinkery will be Martin's Corner Bar in the shadow of St. Paul's Catholic Church.

Here is the route with a couple of potential fixes forthcoming.
Comment by Lee Diamond on April 14, 2010 at 6:24am

I am currently having an enormous slice of humble pie (pronounced "pie-yai-yai") and will forever remember the correct pronunciation of Throop no matter how much it pains me. Actually because of it. Please thank your Beverly friends for me and anyone that lives on Goethe.

Cheers - Lee
Comment by Kevin C Dormant on April 14, 2010 at 4:58am
As mentioned, unfortunately I'll be out of town for the real Tour, but thought you should see this: Amos Gager Throop, (pronounced "troop"), (1811 – 1894) was a businessman and politician in Chicago, Illinois during the 1840s and 1850s. Most famously he was known for being a staunch abolitionist prior to the Civil War. In Chicago he lost two campaigns to be that city's mayor in 1852 and 1854. In both elections he was the nominee of the little-known Temperance Party, facing tough opposition from the Democratic Party. At the time of the Great Chicago Fire Amos was the city treasurer. He was instrumental in securing financing from New York to rebuild the wooden frontier town into a city of brick and mortar. Grateful Chicagoans renamed Main Street to Throop Street. Many years later and after moving to California, he was finally elected mayor -- of Pasadena, California in 1888.
Comment by Lee Diamond on April 8, 2010 at 1:10pm
Here is the link to the photo album for the Tour of the Lower West Side

Also, I updated the photos for the Tour of Lakeview photo album recently to show some more of the properties we discussed, stopped at or rode past.

Comment by Lee Diamond on April 8, 2010 at 1:07pm
There are four remaining research rides, all beginning and ending at Harrison Park, same as the start for the tour at 1824 S Wood. Here are the details on the research rides:

Lower West Side Research Ride #1 - Wednesday April 7 from 2 to 5PM
Lower West Side Research Ride #2 - Tuesday April 13 from 5 to 8PM
Lower West Side Research Ride #3 - Sunday April 18 from 11AM to 2PM
Lower West Side Research Ride #4/Pre-ride - Thursday April 22 from 6 to 9PM

Basically, this is a way to see WAY more of the area. You also get to be a major part of the process in evaluating stops and sites for inclusion, or not. It's usually a bunch of people interested in architecture and history, and bikes of course.

Join us if you are able and cheers - Lee

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