Slow Roll Beverly ride


Slow Roll Beverly ride

Time: July 29, 2017 from 2pm to 4pm
Location: to be confirmed - Beverly/Morgan Park location
City/Town: Chicago
Phone: 312-520-1641
Event Type: social, slow roll
Organized By: Anne Alt
Latest Activity: Jul 28, 2017

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This tour will highlight history, architecture and public art in Beverly. 

Meet & greet will start at 2:00 p.m. at Rdge Historical Society, 10621 S Seeley (close to 107th St. Metra station - Rock Island line).  The ride rolls at 2:30. The ride will end at a block party near the start location, with the option to return to the start location if you're not interested in the block party. 

99th & Walden block party will include activities for kids, DJ and live music, food and drink vendors, starting at 4:00 p.m. and running for at least a few hours. This is right next to the 99th St. Metra station. 

If you or someone riding with you does not have a bike and would need a Divvy bike or kids bike to be able to do the ride, please email me at

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