Time: March 24, 2012 from 12pm to 5pm
Location: Top-Secret Additions to the North Central DuPage Regional Trail
Street: Bike/Train: Roselle METRA 540 Irving Park Rd. Bike/Cars:Bloomingdale Golf Course. 181 Glen Ellyn Road. Park along the Northwest corner. Free Parking!
City/Town: B-dale/Roselle
Phone: by request
Event Type: social., enviro-clean, up
Organized By: bk (aka: Dr. Mambohead)
Latest Activity: Mar 26, 2012
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What:The Many Lakes Many Bridges Secret Squirrel Trickey Coyote Nice Beaver DuPage County Enviro-Tour!!!
Who: Chicagoland Biking Enthusiasts
What: Social Bike, Secret Squirrel additions/revelations to the North Central DuPage Regional Trail with trail clean-up!
Where/When to Meet:
Two Options!
A) Roselle Metra (Train/Bike Convenience) 11:18am.
the train group will then ride to meet others at
B)Bloomingdale Golf Course at 11:45. (Bike/Car Convenience) where we will depart for the EnviroRide around 12:15.
Whuzzat: This Mixed-trail Adventure is more than half-paved, is of easy to moderate difficulty, has some sweet hills, and vistas, and is approx. 10-16 miles. With only a minimal amount of street riding, we will tour yes, many lakes and many bridges, reclaimed wetlands, riparian, forest, and prairie biomes as we seek fun, wildlife and perhaps the ever elusive DuPage County Partisan in their natural environment. Expect a bit of gravel and dirt trails, but less than a mile of that. Fat tire bikes not required but mildly suggested.
Voluntary trail clean up along the way. Let's see how much debris we can load on my bike and in my cargo pants.
Ur/burbanites!... We will be at Roselle METRA until 11:40. Just in case people want to take advantage of their free weekend parking.
B-Dale Golf Course Rendezvous... Try to park in the Northwest corner of the golf course parking lot, it is right by the trail. Parking there is also free! Hope to see y'all there!! Look for me on the tricked out Huffy!
How do I pencil-scribble this on here... What: Is that alt-F7?!?!...
Thanks S&P500!!!!!
Also? Fresh from the Dr. Mambohead Unibomber-style Plywood Shack Adventure Center, Re-Education Compound and Bed & Breakfast... Yea, verily... Rumoured lost in the mist of a quiet glades somewhere in remote oak-hickory savanna of McHenry County... Quite near where Methuselah lost his shoes:
The few remaining "first editions" of the "Many Lakes... Trail Guide and Dr. Oz Enviro-Health Tips"!!! Autographed by some or perhaps none of the founding attendees!
Yes beluvvers. Available to the highest bidder Friday @your C-CM!!!! All proceeds go to your ever-luvvin' bike brethren and legally can/must not be affiliated with Dr. Mambohead Industries, Mambohead Super-PAC and/or Chicago Canvas & Gaffer Supply.
Oy vey, I am already catching typos... Right on the freakin' cover. How embarrassing. I could plotz. The spell-check must have failed on my crayons.
One thing, though, there's a straight line from the bottom of the lake preserve to the boulder rock. I think I lost GPS signal and it picked up again after that.
Groovy Map... Thanks Will! Now she belongs to the world. Go marvel, ever-luvvin.
Workout: General Road Cycling
Date: Mar 24, 2012
Distance: 27.67 mi
Duration: 4:02:15
To view 'Many lakes', follow the link below:
27 miles and piles of debris routed from a course of world domination... Thank you to all the "Many Lakes" super-heroes who made this day a gas! What could be next?... The "Many Lakes" Knobby Century?... For Sure the Tricky Coyote "Fall Colour" Tour...
Oh yeah... this one is worth sharing... that is why I am here. Jah willing there will be a "Fall Colors" "Many Lakes" tour... some Fall type images from this very route are in my photo array. Thanks for the interest!
this sounds awesome, I won't be able to make this ride, but perhaps I will be able to make Mk2 if there is one.
i can see it !!!!
Get a Huffy!!!!!
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