Iowa County Humane Society's QuadruPedal Century


Iowa County Humane Society's QuadruPedal Century

Time: May 3, 2009 all day
Location: Dodgeville Middle School
Street: 951 West Chapel St.
City/Town: Dodgeville, WI
Website or Map:…
Event Type: ride, invitational
Organized By: Iowa County Humane Society
Latest Activity: Apr 18, 2009

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Are you training for the upcoming Horribly Hilly Hundreds, the Dairyland Dare or the Wright Stuff Century? Here is your chance to ride on some of the same roads used by these rides, but with full sag support, rest stops, showers and a meal when you finish. Get a full trial run in before summer kicks it into high gear!

This tour showcases the beautiful rolling hills of southwest Wisconsin. Ride options include challenging routes of 35, 55, 85 and 100 miles for the cycling enthusiast. Rest stops on each route include great snacks, sports drinks and wonderful hosts. At the end of the ride enjoy a delicious dinner.

With routes climbing between 1500 and 9000 feet, you'll wish you had an extra set of legs!

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