Time: December 24, 2011 from 5:30pm to 11:45pm
Location: Daley Plaza
Street: 50 W. Washington
City/Town: Chicago
Phone: 312-560-3966
Event Type: social
Organized By: John Greenfield
Latest Activity: Dec 14, 2014
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Join us for the traditional December 24th celebration. Meet at Daley Plaza at 5:30 pm, departing at 5:45. Ride to Chinatown for tiki drinks and old-school Chinese-American food at the neighborhood's oldest restaurant, Won Kow, 2237 S. Wentworth. Afterwards we'll go catch a movie and/or have drinks at Delilah's, 2771 N. Lincoln in Lincoln Park.
Christmas Eve in Chinatown
John -
Will there be a ride this year - 2014?
Thanks John.
That was some cool lower level-ish riding but can you do it during the day? business hours looks very pedestrian and retail.
Glad you liked it! I had a great time as well. I'll post a little photo essay about that riverside route on http://gridchicago.com on Tuesday.
Thanks for organizing John, great ride, especially the route to the bar.
thanks again john! what a great evening.
Where are you getting Tiki drinks? Are you doing this before or after Chinese?
8pm is great! I'll meet up with y'all after. We are for sure gonna be at Delilah's. Y'all should be there.
8 pm. Looking forward to it!
John - When do you expect us to be finished with dinner?
I missed it last year, I vowed I'd never miss it again.
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