The Chainlink Halloween Party- Sponsored by Half Acre Beer Company


The Chainlink Halloween Party- Sponsored by Half Acre Beer Company

Time: October 28, 2011 from 8pm to 11:45pm
Location: Galway Arms
Street: 2442 N Clark
City/Town: Chicago, IL 60614
Website or Map:…
Phone: 773-965-3396
Event Type: party, social, galway, arms, halloween, chicago, critical, mass, bike, film, festival, bff
Organized By: The Chainlink Halloween Committee
Latest Activity: Oct 17, 2012

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Half Acre Beer Company will be sponsoring the party so beer will be flowing and raffle prizes everywhere!

We will be rockin in the gorgeous upstairs room of Galway Arms with FREE bike parking at cycle smithy and at Fullerton and Clark!

Sign Up In Advance for an extra $1 off! Admission is $5 and includes one Half Acre Beer, 20% REI Coupon, 2 Raffle Tickets and more!

Cycle Smithy will be offering 25% off anything in the store from 8-9 PM (except their vintage bikes on the ceiling). They are dealers of: Cannondale, Specialized, Waterford, Kestrel, Cinelli, Fuji, KHS, Breezer, Litespeed, Merlin and Orbea.

Raffle Prizes Include:Custom Bike Fitting - Get A Grip ($325 Value), Custom Powder Coating - UV Metalworks ($225 value),  Handbuilt wheel including hub and rims courtesy of Yojimbos, Set of Weinmann Black DP-18 wheels -Smart Bike Parts, 2 Chicago Bicycle Film Festival Passes Mechanics Class -Higher Gear, Kozie Prery Caps, Winter Maintenance Package courtesy of Ciclo Urbano, Po Campo Bag, 2 Detours bag & Full Service Tune Up - Lakeshore Bikes, Autographed books by Greg Borzo, The Chicago "L" & Where To Bike, Chicago Trek Women's Gift Basket and Village Cycle Tune Up -  Pretty. Fast.,Commuter package - On The Route, Personal Bike Portrait with Martha Willams of, 1 annual pass & two 8 ride passes with Chicago Neighborhood Tours, Sturmey Archer Hub - Cycle Smithy, package of lights, a pump and other goodies, A Family Pass to the Chicago Botanic Gardens, Winter Maintenance package - Ciclo Urbano, IGO & Zip Memberships, $50 Galway Arms Gift Certificate, 2 Bike Salute shirts from Dubi Kaufmann, OneDaily Rental of Two City Bikes - J.C. Lind Bike Co and many more!


This will also be a Pre-kick off for the Bicycle Film Festival Chicago so bike movies will be playing all night! We can still use a few folks to help at the party tonight.  E-mail or just show up!  

Facebook fans, you can RSVP to the party here

Chainlinker David Gebhart and crew are also throwing a halloween party in Rogers Park tonight. Theirs will be going till breakfast so if you are looking for an afterparty, their address is 1638 W. Lunt Ave. Chicago, IL 60626. 

Additional Half Acre beers (16 ounce glasses) will be $3!

If you want to help plan the party, email:


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Comment by Janie Wu on November 3, 2011 at 5:34am
hey, is anybody interested in the zipcar certificate? it's to waive their $85 membership fee. let a woman know... cuz y'all know it's gonna get blizzasterous this winter in the Chi when the bike's not cuttin' it and you need a car...thx*
Comment by Juan 2-3 or more mi. on November 1, 2011 at 9:31am
The raffle was a noisy blast ;)
Comment by daWillinChi on October 31, 2011 at 8:22am
Wasn't there like a dedicated photographer? Where are the photos?
Comment by Julie Aberman (Hochstadter) on October 30, 2011 at 3:45pm
Great party everyone. We had over 200 folks show up!
Comment by Wolf-Pup on October 29, 2011 at 7:44am
Yeah it was an awesome night..
Comment by Little Phil on October 29, 2011 at 7:02am
well that was fun =)
Comment by Joe Torres on October 28, 2011 at 2:11pm
I am totally bummed, I cant make it to meet everyone. Sorry. :(
Comment by Julie Aberman (Hochstadter) on October 28, 2011 at 4:26am
They like to use people for warmth.  I won't tell them for sure so they aren't let down if you end up going home :))
Comment by Adam "Cezar" Jenkins on October 28, 2011 at 3:58am


We'll see, the last train out is 12:30, which I should be able to make baring extraordinary circumstances. Thank you very much for the offer!


Adam,  you can sleep on my couch. if you don't mind 3 cuddly kitties....

Comment by Julie Aberman (Hochstadter) on October 28, 2011 at 3:40am
and staying till the end....

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